
Innovative Triumph in Virtual Education

Universidad Fidélitas and Loymark's innovative Facebook and Instagram campaign revolutionized digital marketing, elevating online education and setting new standards in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Innovative Triumph in Virtual Education

In an increasingly digital world, virtual education has become an essential component of higher education. Universidad Fidélitas, a leading institution in Costa Rica, recognized this trend and set out to stand out in the virtual realm. In collaboration with Loymark, we launched an innovative campaign on Facebook and Instagram that transformed our digital marketing strategy and set a new standard in the promotion of online educational programs.

The Challenge and Strategy:

The challenge was clear: to increase recognition and preference for Universidad Fidélitas’ virtual programs in a competitive market. Our strategy focused on a video ad campaign on Facebook and Instagram, designed to capture the essence of the university’s virtual programs and emotionally connect with the audience. The ads sought not only to inform but also to inspire potential students by showing the real impact of quality education.

Impressive Results:

The campaign was a resounding success. The video ads significantly increased message association and brand recall, and also drove notable growth in unaided brand awareness and brand preference. These results reflect not only an achievement in marketing metrics but also a significant advancement in the perception and positioning of Universidad Fidélitas as a leader in virtual education.

 The Campaign in Numbers:

The brand lift study found a positive increase in brand metrics driven by the video ad campaign, which included:

  • 2.3% lift in message association.
  • 5.1% lift in standard ad recall.
  • 1.5% lift in message association.
  • 2.3% lift in message association.
  • 1.2% lift in preference.

At Loymark, we could not be prouder of being part of this transformative project. Working with Universidad Fidélitas, an institution that shares our commitment to innovation and excellence, has been an extraordinarily rewarding experience. This success case is a testament to what can be achieved when creativity, strategy, and collaboration come together.

«From Loymark, we are proud to develop a working synergy with Fidelitas to achieve their brand positioning goals. We also appreciate the trust shown in the process, in building a strategic and efficient path that has led us to celebrate a new milestone in Fidelitas’ digital communication.»  – Borja Moreno. Performance Marketing Lead – Loymark 

Looking Towards the Future:

This triumph is not an endpoint, but a springboard to future successes. At Loymark, we are committed to continuing our close collaboration with Universidad Fidélitas to achieve their goals and continue innovating in the digital marketing space. Our vision is to stay ahead of trends, adapt to market changes, and explore new and exciting ways to connect with audiences.

This campaign is a clear example of how innovation and adaptability can lead to exceptional results in the digital era. For us at Loymark, this is a shared achievement that motivates us to continue striving and creating campaigns that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients and their audiences.

At Loymark, we are excited about what the future holds and are ready to face new challenges and opportunities, always with the goal of taking our clients to new heights of success.